2019年11月8-11日,应实验室周小兵副研究员邀请,斯洛伐克科学院无机化学研究所(Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences)Peter Tatarko博士访问我实验室,并作了题为“Field assisted processing for the development and joining of ceramics for extreme environments”的学术报告,以及“Mechanical properties of Ceramics”的系列讲座。
Peter Tatarko博士与大家分享了他们研究组在磁场及电场辅助下实现TiB2超高温陶瓷的织构化方面的最新进展。他们首先在9T的磁场作用下实现了TiB2粉体的初步织构化,并在电场和轴向压力的作用下制备了高致密织构化程度达到90%以上的TiB2陶瓷。同时,Peter Tatarko博士还详细汇报了他们在电场辅助连接CVD-SiC和Cf/SiC方面的研究进展。值得关注的是他们采用Flash sintering 技术,仅在8 s的时间内就实现了Cf/SiC复合材料的连接,这为我们碳化硅复合材料的低温快速连接研究提供了借鉴。
随后,Peter Tatarko博士还为研究生们作了“Mechanical properties of Ceramics”的系列讲座,他从脆性材料的力学性能基础理论出发,详细讲述了陶瓷材料的弯曲强度,拉伸强度,硬度,弹性模量,断裂韧性等的测试方法与影响因素,并以氮化硅陶瓷为例,阐明了陶瓷的微观结构与宏观力学性能之间的构效关系与分析方法。
Peter Tatarko is an independent Senior Researcher of Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences. He got the Individual Marie Curie Fellowship within the EU H2020-MSC-IF scheme in 2018. He obtained the Prize of the president of Slovak Republic Ivan Gašparovič to “young scientists” for the contribution to the scientific knowledge and science development in engineering science in. He is the Member of the Scientific Board of the Department of Ceramics, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry. His research interests include development of new ultra-high temperature ceramic materials with enhanced mechanical and thermomechanical properties. Electric field assisted sintering and joining of advanced ceramic materials. He published 36 SCI papers and 2 book chapters.
