6月29日,应先进能源材料工程实验室(筹)黄庆研究员邀请,瑞典林雪平大学副教授Per Eklund博士来访宁波材料所。
Per Eklund博士本次受到中科院PIFI国际访问学者计划支持,将在我实验室开展1个月的交流访学,并为宁波材料所青年员工和研究生开展为期两周的《真空科学与技术》短期课程。
Per Eklund博士是国际上在MAX相和MXenes材料研究领域较为活跃的青年科学家,他从2014年起就同我实验室在该领域开展了深入的合作,并对我实验室开展全新MAX相和MXene研发提供了大力支持。
Brief introduction: Associate Professor Per Eklund is head of the Energy Materials unit of the Thin film Physics Division at Linköping University, Dept. of Physics, Chemistry and Biology (IFM), where he joined the faculty in 2009 after a postdoc at iNano in Århus, Denmark. He is an ERC starting Grant Holder, SSF Future Research Leader and Wallenberg Academy Fellow. He has been Visiting Professor in France (Univ. Poitiers and CNRS, Paris), and visiting researcher in China (CAS Ningbo) and India (IIT Mandi and Kharagpur). His main research interests encompass the wider area of thin-film ceramics for energy applications, including thermoelectrics, ionic conductors for fuel cells, inherently nanolaminated ‘MAX phases’, their 2D counterparts ‘MXenes’, electrical contacts, and tools. He also has long experience in industry–academia collaboration including two industry PhD students, one industry postdoc, was Research Coordinator of the Vinnova Excellence Center FunMat 2013-2016 and is Deputy Director of FunMat-II (starting Sept. 2017), plus numerous innovation-oriented projects (Eurostars, Nordforsk, Nordic Innovation Center).

黄庆研究员为Per Eklund教授颁发中科院国际访问学者证书