2018年12月12日,应实验室黄庆研究员邀请,美国科罗大多矿业学院(Colorado School of Mines)IvarReimanis教授访问我实验室,并作了题为“Microstructure Evolution in Metal-Ceramic Systems Under Reducing and Oxidizing Conditions”的学术报告。
报告会中,Ivar教授详细介绍了过渡金属Ni在YSZ(Yttria stabilized zirconia)陶瓷中可能的存在多种形态:以离子的形式固溶在YSZ陶瓷中,或者在气泡表面,或者晶界处,或者以氧化物NiO,或金属Ni的形式存在于晶界处。Ivar教授还分享了他们研究组对还原气氛中,Ni在YSZ晶界析出的不同机制,以及氧空位和气泡等缺陷形成机理。在还原气氛中,随着热处理温度的升高,从600℃上升至1000℃,NiO逐步被还原成金属Ni,并伴随气泡产生。这种过渡金属在YSZ陶瓷中的存在形式研究方法,对我实验室碳化硅陶瓷反应烧结以及反应连接机理研究具有较强的借鉴作用。
报告后,与会人员和Ivar教授就共同感兴趣的问题展开了深入的讨论,双方均表示将积极寻找进一步的实质合作研究。会后,黄庆研究员为Ivar教授颁发了Fine Talker纪念牌。


黄庆研究员为Ivar教授颁发Fine Talker纪念牌
Ivar Reimanis is the Herman F. Coors Distinguished Professor of Ceramic Engineering in the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado. He serves as Director of the Colorado Center for Advanced Ceramics and also as Director of the Electron Microscopy Laboratory. Dr. Reimanis earned a BS in Materials Science and Engineering at Cornell University in 1984, a MS in Materials Science and Mineral Engineering at University of California, Berkeley, and a PhD in Materials at the University of California, Santa Barbara in 1990. He spent a year under a Max Planck Institute postdoctoral fellowship in Stuttgart, Germany. Dr. Reimanis worked as a postdoc at Los Alamos National Laboratory after which he served as a technical staff member until 1994 when he joined the Colorado School of Mines. He spent a sabbatical at the University of Western Australia in Perth in 2002 as a Gledden Visiting Senior Fellow and was awarded a United States Fulbright award in 2007 to spend a semester at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore. Dr. Reimanis is a Fellow of the American Ceramic Society, and he has served on ACerS Board of Directors and has volunteered in numerous other activities within ACerS. He currently serves as Associate Editor for the Journal of the American Ceramic Society and he is a member of the International Editorial Board for Ceramics International. He is a member of the World Academy of Ceramics. Dr. Reimanis has authored or co-authored about 120 refereed papers and five patents.