- 三元层状陶瓷结构调控
- 高通量合成研究
- 事故容错燃料包壳涂层
- 国家自然科学基金重点项目,熔盐环境下结构材料辐照损伤机制及其高温熔盐腐蚀特性研究,项目号91226202,2013.1-2016.12,主持人 薛建明;
- 先进压水堆重大专项,ATF技术研究MAX相涂层子任务,项目批准号:2015ZX06004001,2015.1-2019.12,主持人 黄庆。
- Effects of He irradiation on Ti3AlC2: damage evolution and behavior of He bubbles, Journal of Nuclear Materials 440 (1), 606-611, 2013.
- Ab initio study of irradiation tolerance for different Mn+ 1AXn phases: Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2, Journal of Applied Physics 115 (2), 023503,2014.
- The structural transitions of Ti3AlC 2 induced by ion, Acta Materialia 65, 351-359,2014.
- Pulse Electric Current–Aided Reactive Sintering of High‐Purity, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (4), 1296-1302,2014.
- Synthesis of High‐Purity Ti3SiC2 by Microwave Sintering, International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 11 (5), 911-918,2014.
- Rapid Bonding of Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2 by Pulsed Electrical Current Heating, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 97 (12), 3721-3724,2014.
- New insight into the helium-induced damage in MAX phase Ti3AlC2 by first-principles studies, The Journal of chemical physics 143 (11), 114707, 2015.
- Irradiation resistance of MAX phases Ti3SiC2 and Ti3AlC2: characterization and comparison, Journal of Nuclear Materials 465, 640-647, 2015.
- Ti3AlC2 coatings deposited by liquid plasma spraying, Surface and Coatings Technology 299, 123-128, 2016.
- Saturation of ion irradiation effects in MAX phase Cr2AlC, Acta Materialia 110, 1-7, 2016
- Formation of nano-twinned structure in Ti3AlC2 induced by ion-irradiation, Acta Materialia , 128, 1-11, 2017.
- Microstructure evolution of V2AlC coating on Zr substrate under He irradiation and their mechanical behavior, Script Materialia, 137, 13-17, 2017.
- High temperature effects on irradiation damage of Ti2AlC, Nucl. Instrum. Meth. B, doi.org/10.1016/j.nimb.2017.01.040, 2017.
- Theoretical investigations on helium trapping in the Zr/Ti2AlC interface, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, in press.